Many , many years ago when I was a young girl on the island , I remember our holidays consisted of going on the beach frolicking in the sand and splashing in the sea. After the beach we would take the long route home, driving around the island with my father , mother and siblings. We often stopped on the side of the street to pick sea grapes and cocoa plums . Ahh!! I can smell the salt water now .
I remember when I was in elementary school our 'uncle' (he isn't my uncle but that is what we called him back then) would pick up his daughters, my sisters and I from school in his lil' yellow buggy, yeah that's right his lil' ole buggy! lol.It seemed like he always took the long route home ,but we didn't mind as we sung and made jokes all the way home.Those times were always fun for us .
My uncle, my father's brother ; always spoiled us . He never failed to lavish upon us toys and money .He always tried to give us , no matter how little he had. Even though so many years have passed , he is still like that today.(smile)
I remember those days when my sister and I would fight over who got the last piece of jelly coconut and and who didn't get enough coconut water. Or sitting on the steps of the house or under a tree on a crate eating juicy mouth watering mangoes .
I miss mama's macaroni and cheese , fry fish, potatoe salad and a whole lot more .The delicious fresh leave you wanting for more conch salad at the dock. Oh yeah, and how can I forget the delicious crack conch Bamboo shack I comiiiin'!!
In those days we were so young and happy , we didn't have a care in the world . My sisters , peers and I lived as if there was no tomorrow. Those were the good old days , the great old days.
I would never trade the island life for the fast city life. Back on the Island , every body knows you or knows someone that knows you ,lol. Back then a sense of community seemed to exist. It is common to see people hailing each other from across the street in the midst of traffic (susieeee, hey susiieee!!!). Or neighbours greeting each other from their houses across the street . I remember my grandmother's neighbour , would shout Mrs. Maryyyyyyy , oohh Mrs. Mary ; good morning Mrs. Mary!! every morning as she left for work from her yard across the street (smile).
No matter where my life travels take me , I will always be an island girl at heart. I will always want to taste , and experience a piece of that good old island life that I shared with my family and friends back in the great old days in The Bahamas.
Surah Al-Tawbah, Surah Al-Nisa and Silver
Valuable instructions from Umar - Allah be pleased with him, for men and
their women.
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2 years ago
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