Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday, June 11, 2009


I look into the mirror and what do I see?
I see a saddened face looking back at me.
The depth of my sadness extends deep in my heart,and the journey to my cure is , oh so very far.

This face in the mirror reflects unsuccesses and at times regret,
though I know it is all the decree of Allah ,the all wise , he knows best.

With this in mind , I know I must be strong , steadfast, and increase my faith;
so the mirror to which I look will reflect a happier face .
I must be patient with Allah's decree and constantly seek his forgiveness and mercy.

This sadness that dwells is from shaytaan , I know.
He wants me to be ungrateful and to think that I have nothing.
But indeed , praise be to Allah I have sooo much more than many.

So now I look into the mirror and what do I see ?
I see a happier and brighter face looking back at me .
The depth of my happiness extends deep in my soul,
and the journey to my cure has reached the end of its road .

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Faith in Allah , not man.

In the news there are many stories of tragic accidents that have claimed the lives of many;. Often investigations and speculations are made as to the reason for these tragic accidents ,but with no answers.

We must remind ourselves that sea crafts , air crafts , cars , and all these other machines , are just that ; machines built by man.While we pray and hope that while using these devices we will not experience any tragic events , the possibilities of such events happening always hang in the balance.I recently did some reading about the tragic fate of the Titanic ship and was very shocked to read that the ship was considered to be 'unsinkable'; again another man made craft in which it was believed that no harm could come to it .

It is so important for us to remember that only in Allah (God) alone can we place all our faith and that only he can protect us from any tragic accidents .But this is the problem , many of us fail to remember that Allah alone is in charge of our affairs. No matter how perfect we deem a man made device , it is all in Allah's hand to make it function or not, and to keep those of use using these machines safe from any accidents.

Allah the most high and majestic , said :"Every soul shall taste death", this Quranic verse simply means that that every one must die. The thought of us or our loved ones dying is a scary one ; but we should deal with it with patience and prayer.We must live each day as if there is no tomorrow, striving hard in the way of Allah;fearing and loving him , for none of us has been promised tomorrow. Death creeps up on us at anytime and at any place , it cannot be avoided or prolonged except it is by the permission of the most high .

"Beware of procrastination for surely be with your current day and do not be with your tomorrow and if you have a tomorrow
then do tomorrow the same as you did today, and if you do not have a tomorrow then you will not regret what you lack in today." Hasan Al-Basri

Strive hard toward the obedience of the most sublime who has created you and trust in him in regard to all of your affairs ,and remember him always with every breathe and every movement of your limbs , so that he may remember you and bestow his mercy upon you.

{This naseehah is first to myself then others , I seek refuge and forgiveness from Allah from anything I have written with knowlegde and seek his reward for the good in it . ameen }

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

My Own Detox Program:

I have read the many detox programs advertised on the internet , and while I think that a few of the programs are okay .In my opinion ,none is better than the one I have come up with myself .

Well... All you need are two ingredients : A piece of an Aloe plant and water.
First you remove an inch and a half sized piece of the aloe jelly from inside it's green outer covering.Place the jelly into a quart of water and let it sit for a while {preferably a few hours}.Every day in the morning I drank a cup of this 'Aloe Water' and most days I drank a cup at mid day after lunch. {WARNING!!! This mixture is bitter to taste}.In addition to drinking my 'Aloe Water' daily, I cut down on eating greasy foods ,reduced my sugar and increased my water intake .

The results? Well I experienced a bowel movement twice daily , and after about a month I saw some major , mind blowing improvements with my skin and I was more energetic . At the time , I was suffering from acne so I was using cleansers and making an effort to eat right and take care of my body. I believe that drinking the 'Aloe Water' helped me a great deal.

What do I know? I am no herbalist or doctor , but I am aware of the many healing affects and abilities of the Aloe Vera plant; and I would use it first as a treatment; before using alot of other products or remedies.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Prophet Muhammad {Peace and blessings be upon him} said:

"Look at the one who is beneath you, not at the one who is above you, so that you will not look down on the blessings that Allah (God)has bestowed upon you."
{sahih sunan at-Timidhi by sheikh al-Albani}

This is such a profound and powerful statement,we as human beings tend to always look toward the achievements of others , and we use it as a measuring stick for ourselves.For some of us looking at the achievements of others makes us work harder toward our own goals and for some of us it causes envy to raise his evil , ugly head. We rarely ever look or contemplate the misfortunes and trials of others.If we did , we would realize that Allah the most high has placed us above so many , no matter our situation.

Take the man who has lost both his sight and a limb , he cannot work to support himself because of his disabilities ;but everyday he thanks Allah the majestic for another day, for his ability to hear, his ability to speak, He thanks Allah for the people that help him , for the food and shelter that he {Allah} provides each day . "Which of the blessings of your lord will you deny?" {surah Ar-Rahman}

Indeed when we look at those that are less fortunate than ourselves , homeless, starving,jobless, childless .....etc. we will thank Allah for keeping us away from those very trials. And how do we show our gratefulness? we show our gratefulness by sincerely striving to obey his every command and obeying his messengers; by running toward that which he loves {such as performing prayers and other acts of worship} and keeping far away from that which he hates {such as lieing , stealing, gossiping and other forbidden acts}.

It maybe that Allah has kept riches from some of us because it will make us arrogant,miserly and weak in faith ,as is the case of so many people whom Allah has given wealth , health , knowledge and the like.

The prophet's wife Ayesha {peace and blessings be upon them both }said: That the prophet stood in prayer at night until his feet began to swell .she said ,"Why do you do this , O Messenger of Allah , when Allah has forgiven your past and future sins?" He said , "Shall I not want to be a thankful slave?"

The prophet , who was the best in character; was forgiven all past sins and future sins, and to show his gratefulness toward his lord ,he strove hard toward that which Allah loves {which is his worship and obedience}.

Look to those beneath you , for when you think you have nothing , someone else has even less. You should reflect on what you do have and reflect on the many that don't have; be patient,and content and hasten toward showing your gratitude to Allah the glorious,the most high for the mercy that he has shown toward you and the blessings that he has bestowed upon you."Which of the blessings of your lord will you deny?"

As the prophet {peace be upon him} said:
"The religion is {Allah's}messenger,to the leaders of the muslim and their common folk." {sahih muslim}